Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Quiet Time Devotionals Index


Welcome to Pastor Rick's Devotional

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." (John 8:12)

Of the four types of people you need in your life, which do you have the most of? Which do you have the least of?  https://bit.ly/2XolviN

What has God taught you that you’d never have learned without humility? https://bit.ly/2ACAdtW

Is there something God has taught you that you haven’t put into practice yet? If so, are you willing to take that step so you can keep growing? https://bit.ly/3cyxxdV

What fears are you finding difficult to overcome in this time of crisis? https://bit.ly/3cCmHno

How have you been motivated by someone's courage and faith? https://bit.ly/3f0Q2sW

The story of Daniel inspire us to be couregous putting our trust and confidence to GOD also leading others to GOD. https://bit.ly/2Y9ognq

In what ways do you need to change? https://bit.ly/2AUHdm4

A message of hope that will inspire us to live. https://bit.ly/3f6h7uY

What are some other ways you can be friendly with your neighbors that may be unique to your situation? https://bit.ly/2UxXjsq

What is holding you back from connecting with your neighbor? https://bit.ly/2B2vSjC

How to overcome prejudice? http://bit.ly/2XW6C7E

When have you been judged by your appearance instead of being judged based on what you’re like on the inside? How did that affect you? https://bit.ly/2UY4fzF

Why do we so often equate love with approval? Why is this dangerous? https://bit.ly/2N1j3ch

What is your reaction when people start a conversation about race? What do you think is the first thing God wants you to do when people share their experiences with prejudice? https://bit.ly/3e1eTgi

What is one area of your life where you need to show more grace? https://bit.ly/37BRcZt

Are you weary and worn down? Nourish your soul and stay emotionally healthy by starting and ending each day with the Word of God. https://bit.ly/30RQypv

Why do you think God wants you to talk about your feelings, frustrations, and fears with other people and not just with him? Why did he create you to need other people? https://bit.ly/2zJCaV8

What are the uncontrollable things in your life that have caused you stress because you’ve been trying to control them? https://bit.ly/2Vin2Wz

How does it help when you figure out beforehand how you will manage your feelings of anger? https://bit.ly/37YHcdj

Why does feeling secure in God’s love help you show more love and patience to other people? https://bit.ly/3eqcXhB

How is your faith in God transforming you? https://bit.ly/37Vphnr

Do you have a hard time believing the Bible is for your benefit? What can you do to deepen your understanding of how the story of God’s Word applies to your life? http://bit.ly/3fPDaGL

What does it mean to humbly accept God’s Word? Why does humility matter? https://bit.ly/3dzLtVs

What good would you like to see come out of these difficult times? Tell God what’s on your mind. https://bit.ly/2CBZRzK

What are the shadows you’ve recently been facing? Why are they so daunting to you? https://bit.ly/2ZkjR1M

What are some ways your life shows you have meaningful relationship with Jesus? https://bit.ly/2BfmUA0

Why do you think responding in gentleness rather than anger is so disarming? Why does it get people’s attention? https://bit.ly/2BabsG8

How might someone be affected by your forgiveness? https://bit.ly/2NFmMMV

What are some of the fears you’re feeling right now? What keeps you from giving them to God and trusting him? https://bit.ly/2AjpnJj

What do you need God’s wisdom for today? Take time to ask him for wisdom in the specific areas you are struggling with. Then, spend time in God’s Word so that he can reveal his wisdom to you. https://bit.ly/2Zv0Rxy

What do you know about God’s character that can help you choose joy, even in troubled times? https://bit.ly/38mopso

What are some things you can do to help you know more of God’s Word? https://bit.ly/3itmqY4

Think of your most important friendships. Are those people causing you to worry or worship? https://bit.ly/38qVRxU

What is one step you can take this week to help you remember to seek God’s wisdom before you make a decision? https://bit.ly/2BIMn57

Because of the coronavirus pandemic, people have experienced significant losses that are natural to grieve. How will things change if you give your grief to God? https://bit.ly/3faJzwc

How are you tempted while at home during the pandemic? What are ways you can refocus away from these temptations? https://bit.ly/2O3lE5X

What qualities should you look for in a friend you can confide in? Ask God to develop those same qualities in you as you become a better friend. https://bit.ly/38Lmqht

Why do you think God gives us our whole lives to make a decision about Jesus, but he doesn’t give us a second chance to decide after death? https://bit.ly/3emYLVV

How has your understanding of heaven changed after reading this devotional? https://bit.ly/38U9NRb

What has God told you to do that you haven’t done yet? What is keeping you from doing it? https://bit.ly/2WlbOkk

What do you expect God to do in your life? How do your expectations reflect his greatness? https://bit.ly/2CC3UMw

What is something you’ve been praying about for a long time? How might you need to refine your request? https://bit.ly/2OBbtFO

How are you using your gifts and abilities to serve God and others? https://bit.ly/2BaAyod

Why is there freedom in doing what God created you to uniquely do? https://bit.ly/30py8KX

What are the seemingly difficult circumstances of your life that you have seen God use for good? https://bit.ly/2WBGmyl

Make a list of the needs you see that disturb you. Then, pray and ask God to show you ways you can use your gifts to make a difference. https://bit.ly/2CvrjPW

If you already know what God has called you to do with your life, how are you pursuing it? What keeps you from living out your calling? https://bit.ly/2CTfqTS

What are the things that will last in your life? https://bit.ly/2CxOmtI

What do you think of when you hear people talk about a “day of judgment”? https://bit.ly/2ZVLYpt

Why is God’s goodness a key motivation to pray? https://bit.ly/30KZ87R

What are some ways you believe God will bless you in the future? Thank God for those things—even before they happen. https://bit.ly/3g2x8mJ

What character traits or circumstances affect your willingness to give control of your life to God? https://bit.ly/2P04GFU

What’s the scariest part of following God’s mission for your life? Why? https://bit.ly/332U8hJ

Why would God want us to have the choice to love and follow him? https://bit.ly/3gd528l

When have you seen God calm a storm once you obeyed what he’d told you to do? https://bit.ly/2XdkFoM

Is there any area of your life where you feel hopeless and in need of prayer? Who can you ask to pray with you persistently about this issue? https://bit.ly/2XgyAdI

Why do you think we resort to rote, predictable prayers so often or so easily? https://bit.ly/30kbNzN

What Scriptures do you find particularly comforting when you’re feeling down? https://bit.ly/2EJRof3

Why is it tough sometimes to put your mind on God’s goodness when you’re facing troubles? https://bit.ly/30qaAXr

Do you need a second chance now? Repent, and talk to God about it. Then choose to wake up every day with a profound gratitude for the opportunity God has given you. https://bit.ly/3gulAZA

What is preventing you from seizing the opportunity to do what God has called you to do? https://bit.ly/2DopXqL

Do you easily and willingly accept the warnings of others? Why or why not? https://bit.ly/3gGUDCc

Because God has been patient with you, what are some ways you can be more patient with others in your life? https://bit.ly/2XCXjJe

Describe a time when your plans and God’s plans didn’t match. How did that work out? https://bit.ly/30ED8wq

Pause for a moment and consider if you need to forgive anyone today. If so, are you willing to take that step? https://bit.ly/2DOKRPP

Of the causes of hopelessness identified in today’s devotional, which one do you think applies to you right now—or which one feels most familiar from past times of hopelessness? https://bit.ly/3fN4wg2

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