You Cannot Put GOD On The Sidelines
"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money". (Matthew 6:24)
This day I learned a lesson that to be involved in God's ministry needs your full time and attention only to God. Yes, what the Lord said in His Word you cannot serve God and other material things, or money. In my context, I cannot do my work each day and along with it you just include God. I reasoned to God that I need to finish out my work first before getting my time with Him. Most often my time is consumed with work and failed to prioritize God as He convicted my heart to do something about it. As a result of the day, it's not good, and always fall short as if you failed.
"When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus' knees and said, "Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!" (Luke 5:8)
When Peter starts to prioritize God's ministry as he allow his boat to be used as a platform so that our Lord Jesus can preach the Gospel, later our Lord Jesus told Simon Peter to where they can catch fish during day time, as Simon Peter obey, They, (Peter and his fishermen partners) caught a large number of fish, for the first time in the entire history, to the point that their nets almost broke, and called other fishermen partners who are not with him to help them haul the large number of fish. Simon Peter saw with his own eyes the blessings of God to the point that he cannot accept the grace that God has given him, for he thinks for himself that he don't deserve it.
I realized that when I prioritized God in the first hour of the day, and as I commit all of my schedules, tasks, and decisions that I needed to do for the day, He blessed the day ahead of me as I experienced that it is only God who can make all things to work out together for good. Like what happened to Simon Peter. I need not prioritize for the work as I need to prioritize God first in my first hour of the day, as He blesses my whole day including all the work that I needed to do for the day. Our daily devotion to God sometimes we take it for granted, and we least prioritize God as we see the urgency of our work, that we need to accomplished for the day, but we don't realize that it is a privilege to be in the presence of God, and God blesses His children when we prioritized Him. As Simon Peter allow his boat to be used for proclaiming God's work, the blessings God in return to Simon Peter overwhelms him, to the point that he committed his whole life to the ministry of God. God don't want us to put Him on the sidelines, He wants your time to be with Him, so we must commit our first hour of the day totally in prayer and devotion to Him. Finally, I leave my work and decided that I need to delegate the work to my staff and trust God that as I follow Him, He will take care of the rest including my business and work to be done.
It is my prayer that our struggle to live each day caught in between God and business or work will be solved, as we intentionally prioritized God in our first hour of the day. That our Lord may grant us wisdom and strength as we come into His presence as we prioritize Him each day in our lives. Also, His blessings to carry each day's work that we need, and to use our business as a platform for God's glory. Amen.
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